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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hand Rolled Pasta, Anyone?

So you know how I got that amazing book last week? (Yes you do, the Urban Pantry book I splurged on!) Well I have been absolutely obsessed with this book. There's a section stocking the pantry that goes over making your own bread, pasta and pie/tart shells etc. So this past Sunday, when we were out spending too much on groceries at Garden of Eden which I love but which is way too expensive and just a bit too gourmet (as in not a lot of real life options when you need them and where is the white bread?-) due to the oncoming blizzard that was dropping heaps of snow into our chilly little faces, I picked up some semolina. Why not right? At that point we were already paying $100 for NOTHING -excuse my bitterness, ahem, so I went ahead and splurged on the smallish Bob's Red Mill semolina flour they had.

And today, while sitting around looking for writing jobs and generally feeling sorry for myself -(Chaley went back to work today, boo!) I decided to make pasta! My mommie got me this super cute french rolling pin for Christmas and I was dying to try it out!

Literally all I needed was 2 cups of A/P flour, (I used Bob Mill's Unbleached White Flour because I am obsessed with it? And him possibly?) 1 Cup of the semolina flour and 5 eggs. I mean, how could I not make this pasta?

I was worried that I was going to end up with flour all over me since I put all of it in before the eggs. But my KitchenAid mixer is big, so I had no problems (or maybe it's just because this is the best mixer -EVER!) Any way, I used my dough attachment which was a pain to screw in btw, and beat it for five minutes, I had to scrape the bowl because my flour was shy- it kept hiding out on the sides!

But after that it came together beautifully, I have to say I am not the best knead-er lol. I always rip when I pull. But I guess that gives me something to work towards :)  After chilling in the fridge for an hour, I got to use my new rolling pin! It was divine. It was lovely. It had this awful sticker on it that took 10 minutes to peel off! Any way look how pretty this was!

I even mimicked her way of drying it by taking two of my wooden dining table chairs and tying kitchen string across it.
Pretty as a Picture!

Now I just have to figure out what to make with it....

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